by Sarah E. Dale and Krista S. Sheets
ROP=Return on People™

Here is the latest edition of our newsletter for financial professionals. Please feel free to share the content of this newsletter with anyone who can benefit from it. And, if there is anything that you would like for us to include in future newsletters, let us know! We base our newsletter content on your specific needs and what we hear from the field. To submit a topic that you’d like to see in upcoming newsletters, please email us at or
Client Meeting Preparation: Two Best Practices
Preparation for a client meeting typically involves an associate assembling a file with a number of inclusions and presenting it to the advisor in a reasonable time frame prior to the meeting. Often we find that advisors and associates spend a great deal of time going back and forth trying to decide what is needed for the meetings. The preparation for meetings is often inefficient and frustrating for both parties due to all of the inconsistencies in how practices conduct their client meetings. During all client meetings, advisors should be focusing not only on updating clients on their financial situations, but also on organic growth opportunities. However, there is often so much “stuff” in the file that this critical growth strategy gets forgotten along with the concept of building a stronger relationship with the client. To solve these challenges, you must create consistency in your meetings and focus on critical objectives. To help you start a clear system for conducting your client reviews, we provide two best practices below for preparing for meetings. Please feel free to develop and customize them to your own practice. We also offer a Practice Management Tool on our website that further defines the process that you should use in your practice. Please see the link at the end of this article.
- Client Folder Preparation Checklist
- The Opportunity List
Develop a standard document with checkboxes that resides on your team’s shared folder on your network. One week prior to a client meeting, you should print this form and check the boxes of the items that you wish to include in the client file. This gives your client service associate easy instructions for this particular client meeting and saves precious communication time between the two of you.
Some items that you can consider for a client meeting folder checklist are listed below:
This second tool focuses on providing you with a quick snapshot of the client’s business with you so that you do not have to search through everything inside the client file. This then gives you an easy visual of the organic growth opportunities that you can focus on during the client meeting. Most firms’ technological platforms allow for the associate to quickly ascertain this information for reporting purposes. This simple tool should be completed by the associate and attached to the front of your client meeting folder.
Organic Growth: Multi-Generational Opportunity Checklist
We offer a complete Client Meeting System that provides Sample Letters, Checklists, Agenda, and Forms for only $25. Check out our Practice Management Tools.
Team Management Tip
4 Things That Your Employees Want From You
Figuring out what your people want can feel like an intricate puzzle, especially when different employees require different things. Here are four things that most employees need to be successful:
- Role clarity. Tell your employees what their roles are, what you want them to achieve, and what the rules are for getting there.
ACTION ITEM: Use our DISC and Motivators Map Assessments to identify the right role that will keep your team members fully engaged. - Autonomy. People want something interesting to work on and they want to be trusted to do it well.
ACTION ITEM: Conduct performance reviews at least quarterly to keep them focused on professional development that THEY find of value. - Accountability. Holding people accountable is not just about being fair. It also sends a message about what is and what isn’t acceptable. This is critical for defining success in a career.
ACTION ITEM: Meet weekly with the team to discuss the day-to-day operations that will lead to the right results for your business. - Praise. Everyone wants to be recognized when they’ve done something right. You can motivate employees by highlighting their strengths and not harping on their weaknesses.
ACTION ITEM: Use our DISC and Motivators Map Assessments to uncover their preferred communication style, work environment, and reward systems.
Calling All Grads!
Krista’s niece, Nicollette, graduated from St. Joseph’s University this month along with many other young adults from around the country. Many graduates are wondering, “What do I do now?” To help answer this question, Krista provided Nicollette with the DISC and Motivators Assessments that we use with all of our clients. They identify a person’s strengths and what fulfills them so that their career aspirations fit who they are. You, of course, can learn to do anything, but in order to really enjoy your career, you must be energized and passionate about what you do. In the last year, we have found many more millennials needing this objective guidance so we have packaged the assessments with a telephone consultation session for $300. We are committed to helping the next generation navigate this complex world through self-awareness and becoming empowered by their talents. If you would like to learn more about how to invest in our future leaders, please phone us at 770.319.0310.
Practice Management Expertise
Are you a firm leader who is interested in further developing your practice management offerings? We provide corporate consulting, train-the-trainer(s), and program content based on our People + Process = Performance™ and our Find-Grind-Mind Model for Financial Professionals. Please contact Krista Sheets at 770.319.0310 or Sarah Dale at 757.258.0008 to discuss your specific needs.