The Performance Insights Process™

Why Assessments?

As a professional advisor, you know how important it is to conduct a thorough assessment of a client’s situation before making recommendations. You also know the benefits of asking the right questions, both for you and your clients. In many cases, the assessment itself can be “worth the price of admission” since it helps clients realize where the gaps are in their current financial plan. For this same reason, we utilize assessments when building and managing a business and a team. Our assessments will help you identify the gaps that are keeping you and your team from achieving your full potential.

The Performance Insights Process™

Are you wondering if you should partner up with one or more financial advisors? If you’re in a partnership now, do you ever feel like you are pulling most of the load? Are you tired of dealing with the “personal issues” that come with having a team? Do you wish you could just focus on what you do best and leave the rest to someone else? If you answered “YES” to any of these questions, our Performance Insights Process™ will ease your pain. More importantly, we will help you build and lead a team that is capable of propelling your business to a whole new level.

A powerful and unique suite of diagnostic tools, our Performance Insights Process™:
  • identifies the potential performance barriers that are hindering the ultimate success of an advisory team.
  • facilitates key decisions that need to be made for the future growth of the practice.
  • provides a roadmap for specific action.
The assessments utilized through our Performance Insights Process™ cover three critical elements:

People are fundamental to maximizing overall performance. This area of the process utilizes the Strengths and Motivators Assessments to help ensure that the right people are engaged in the right roles and are highly effective in their interactions with one another and with clients.

Team Dynamics:

In order to properly serve clients, teams are now essential. One key benefit of a team is to orchestrate everyone’s talents towards a common goal. The Team Performance Assessment allows each member to provide their perspective on how the team currently functions and areas where they can improve.

Business Model:

You must KNOW your business intimately if you want to GROW your business. Analyzing all aspects of a practice leads to optimizing its performance and increases long-term viability. Our final diagnostic, the Business Performance Assessment, solicits each team member’s perception of both the efficiency and effectiveness of all core functions of the business.

All of the assessments utilized in the Performance Insights Process™ are administered online and have a foundation of proven practice management expertise for the financial services industry.

Included in the Performance Insights Process™ is:

  • Business Profile

    – We kick start the process by taking a snapshot of the Advisory Team Practice. The Principal will supply data in areas such as Assets under management, revenues, number of clients, team structure and goals.

  • Strengths and Motivators Assessments

    – Each team member will receive two assessments. The first explains HOW a person behaves, what their natural strengths are, what work energizes them, and their preferred work environment. It is an excellent tool for identifying roles and responsibilities and the communication style of each team member. The second explains WHY a person does what they do, what drives them, and how they can be fulfilled in the job. This is an excellent tool for identifying the culture and chemistry of a team so that team members enjoy working with one another.

  • Team Summary

    – A team composite of team members’ strengths and the impact on the structure of the team.

  • Team Performance Assessment™

    – The Team Performance Assessment allows each team member to rate the overall team dynamics based on four areas: Interpersonal, Structure, Management Approach, and Leadership.

  • Business Performance Assessment™

    – The Business Performance Assessment allows each team member to rate the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the business based on our FIND • GRIND • MIND™ Model.

  • Telephone Consultation by Certified Team Consultants

    – Professional consultation to help you interpret your team’s assessments and get the most out of the data collected in addition to developing a strategy for your team structure. Discussions include business optimization, identification of roles and responsibilities for your team members, and uncovering any practice management issues that may be holding your business back from achieving greater success. Three 60-90 minute telephone consulting sessions are included in the process.

The Performance Insights Process™ helps you determine how best to use a person’s talents in a team. As an awareness tool, these assessments can help your team members understand themselves and each other better to improve communication within the team. You can also discover stressors within the work environment and any possible barriers to success in one’s current role or position. As a predictive instrument, they can be used to anticipate how one will behave in various situations, and therefore they can be a good determinant of job performance. This process is also essential in determining the viability of a partnership by identifying specific, objective pros and cons of the potential partnership.

The Performance Insights Process™ fee is determined by the number of team members you have. For teams with 3 to 6 members, the fee is $2500. For teams with 7 to 10 members, the fee is $3500. Please contact us for larger teams. All discovery, assessments, analysis, and certified telephone consulting sessions are included.

Download an overview of our Performance Insights Process™.

Read testimonials endorsing our team development consulting.